Welcome To Royal Constrictor Designs
We Produce Some Of The Finest Quality Ball Pythons In The World!
I really want my customers to be happy with the animals they chose to purchase from us. I am able to do this by providing species that do well in captivity and providing the most beautiful, healthiest example of those species. I take great pride in my animals and I feel honored to be doing a "job" I absolutely love as a career.
Garrick DeMeyer
Founder, Royal Constrictor Designs
Quality Captive Bred Ball Pythons
From Garrick DeMeyer, trusted breeder since 1993

Celebrating 25 Years in Business
We're Giving Away $50,000 in Snakes
We are celebrating our 25th year in business by giving away $50,000.00 in snakes to thank the reptile industry, partners, and friends for supporting Royal Constrictor Designs.
Giveaways will occur every Friday, starting in January 2024.
Join our Patreon Community to be eligible to win! Search "Royal Constrictor Designs"

Wholesale Pricing and Payment Plans
Wholesale Pricing Available For Groups!
Please contact Garrick for aggressive pricing on a package- garrick@crestedgecko.com
Make any purchase over $1,000.00 and we will allow you to spread the purchase out over a few months
Make your selections now for the snakes you want while the selection is best, make an initial 25% non-refundable down-payment on the snake/group, then pay off the balance over a few months.
PayPal, Credit Cards/Debit Cards, and Money Orders are accepted.
Please email me directly with the ID of the animals you want. garrick@crestedgecko.com or call me 715.845.5545 Thanks, Garrick!

Visit Us At The Reptile Expos
Tinley Park - NARBC
Tinley Park Holiday Inn Select & Convention Center
March 15-16, 2025
Sat 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sun 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
For each show we will have a large selection of awesome Ball Pythons as well as some Leopard Geckos and Crested Geckos. If you are interested in anything I have for sale, you can pre-order animals to be delivered to the show! Please contact us for details: garrick@crestedgecko.com. I hope to see you there!